Offshore Wind, Fishing & Recreation

How will offshore wind development impact fisheries?

The US Government Agency states:

The Revolution Wind environmental impact statement admits that the cumulative overall impact to commercial and for-hire fishing will be major, adverse, and long-term.

–Revolution Wind DEIS, Table 2.3-1 and EIS 3.9-83.

What does the Environmental Impact Statement say about Fishing?


Hear it from our own Fishermen and Women

Podcast of local fisher people discussing the harm offshore wind will inflict on the marine ecosystem.

FAB Member’s Letter of Resignation

After working hard to participate in the process, Rich Hittinger resigned from the FAB, the Fishermen's Advisory Board to the CRMC.

The Importance of Fisheries

Seafood feeds 3 billion people a year with low carbon footprint animal protein. Fishing in Massachusetts and Rhode Island sustains a thriving economy. Saltwater anglers add significantly to this economic engine as well, sustaining 8000 jobs and spending $600 million in retail sales. Revolution Wind has only hired 50 temporary local workers. How many fishermen and people related to the marine economy will wind farms put out of work?

NOAA Report on Commercial Fishing in Rhode Island

Excerpt from NOAA’s report titled, “Fisheries Economics of the United States, 2022.”

Recreation: How will offshore wind development impact sailors and surfers?

Long-distance Sailing Races

Offshore wind projects will interfere with multiple long-distance sailing races. A single race, such as The Ocean Race, generated $47.7 million for Rhode Island. Turbines create wake effects that interfere with sailing. The presence of structures also changes current patterns and generates turbulence.

Emergence of Large-Scale Hydrodynamic Structures Due to Atmospheric Offshore Wind Farm Wakes

Written by Nils Christiansen, Ute Daewel, Bughsin Djath and Corinna Schrum

local sailing races in Rhode Island

Sailing Race Paths Identified in the RI Ocean-SAMP

The RI Ocean-SAMP identified multiple sailing races that traverse the offshore wind lease areas and quantified their economic impact on the state of Rhode Island.

RI Ocean-SAMP Chapter on Recreation and Tourism

surfing with offshore wind turbines


Surfers love the ocean and appreciate how surfing allows them to connect with nature. Will surfing in the midst of offshore wind turbines supply the same experience? Maybe if we knew they were helping the planet, but what if they do more harm than good?