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Report Lisa Quattrocki Knight Report Lisa Quattrocki Knight

As more wind power is added to the grid, power outages become more frequent

“A study has found that power outages have increased by 93 percent across the United States over the last 5 years—a time when solar and wind power have increased by 60 percent. Texas, who leads the nation in wind generation, and California, who leads the nation in solar generation, have had the largest number of power outages in the nation over those 5 years.”

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Green Oceans, White paper Lisa Quattrocki Knight Green Oceans, White paper Lisa Quattrocki Knight

The Green Oceans White Paper on National Defense

“Wind turbines within the line of sight of Early Warning Radar (EWR) disrupt these systems used for early threat detection and military surveillance. As depicted in Figure 1, all three of the projects under construction (Revolution, SouthFork, and Vineyard Wind) will significantly interfere with the EWR system. Interference can hinder ballistic missile airspace surveillance, confound target detection, and prolong response time to attacks.”

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Lisa Quattrocki Knight Lisa Quattrocki Knight

Rand Acoustic’s Report on Seismic Surveys

“The data acquired during the survey and subsequent review of the IHA application raise concerns of sufficient NOAA review and mitigation distances to protect the critically endangered NARW and other marine species from behavioral harassment and temporary threshold shift (TTS) impacts.”

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Lisa Quattrocki Knight Lisa Quattrocki Knight

How do offshore wind projects affect property values: The Block Island wind farm as a test case

“Overall, the data indicates that Block Island experienced devalued assessments, depressed tax revenues, and markedly reduced resale market prices compared to other similar coastal communities and compared to the national home index predictions in a time frame that coincides with the construction of the Block Island Wind Farm.”

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Green Oceans Submission, CRMC, Evaluation, NOAA, Environmental Laws Lisa Quattrocki Knight Green Oceans Submission, CRMC, Evaluation, NOAA, Environmental Laws Lisa Quattrocki Knight

The Green Oceans Board Submits Comments to NOAA evaluating the RI CRMC’s Performance

“The CRMC has utterly failed as Rhode Island’s bulwark against the harms associated with ocean development. From a procedural and substantive perspective, the CRMC has violated the SAMP in conducting its federal consistency reviews of private offshore wind development. If these errors remain uncorrected, the harm to Rhode Island and the greater public will be devastating and possibly permanent.”

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Green Oceans Submission, CRMC Lisa Quattrocki Knight Green Oceans Submission, CRMC Lisa Quattrocki Knight

Green Oceans Submits Comments to the CRMC demanding a Public Hearing on the SouthCoast Wind Project

“The SouthCoast Wind project and its expert cables plan violate the letter and spirit of the Ocean SAMP and the Red Book and should be denied or significantly revised after additional testing and monitoring on the impacts this project will have on the coastal environment, including fisheries, glacial moraine, and other species.”

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