Our Affiliates & Other Groups Opposed to Offshore Wind

Preserve Martha’s Vineyard

Preserve Martha’s Vineyard is a group of community members opposed to the industrialization of the coastal waters off Martha’s Vineyard. They have now joined forces with Green Oceans.

Protect Our Westport Waters

Protect Our Westport Waters (POWW) is a community group focused on protecting Westport, MA from the high-voltage export cabling of industrial wind complexes being brought onshore and trenched through the length of our town.

High-voltage power cables emit electromagnetic fields (EMF) and are believed to disrupt marine ecosystems, most notably, preventing various marine species from following their natural migratory routes vital to feeding and reproduction. High levels of EMF are also believed to be harmful to humans.

National Offshore-Wind Opposition Alliance National offshore wind opposition alliance (NOOA)

NOOA is a single-issue coalition made up of environmental, fishing, and community organizations as well as Tribal Nations. Our mission is to protect the oceans, the Great Lakes, and nearby communities from the negative impacts of industrialization by offshore-wind "farms" and the nearshore and onshore infrastructure necessary to support and deliver electricity to the grid. We work to educate the public, to mobilize affected communities, dialogue with government officials, engage the media, and strategically litigate to end the threat of offshore wind proliferation.

ACK for Whales

Nantucket, MA Community members formed ACK for Whales, a nonprofit organization, to protect their Island, their history, and the North Atlantic right whale from the Industrialization of the Ocean.

Save Right Whales Coalition

Members are lifelong nature lovers and conservationists who are speaking out against the threat to critical breeding habitat of the North Atlantic Right Whale along the Atlantic Coast..

Save Greater Dowses Beach

Save Greater Dowses Beach, MA, is a public, grassroots group working to prevent the use of this local Cape Cod treasure (and others!) as sites for high-capacity electrical cables.

New England Fisherman’s Stewardship Association

NEFSA is a group of fishermen and women fighting to save the American commercial fishing heritage and to preserve the opportunity for future generations to work in the fisheries providing fresh, wild-caught, protein-rich, sustainable seafood to the nation.

​A lot is at stake, but we believe by banding together we can protect our food source, livelihood, heritage, and the ocean. Because an industry that sustains us in so many ways is an industry worth fighting for.

Deep Sea Defenders

Deep Sea Defenders is an organization dedicated to protecting the integrity of the deep sea environment, the organisms who live there, and the people who depend upon the health of the ocean for their traditional livelihoods. The Defenders oppose deep sea mining and support the call for a global ban. 

Deep Sea Defenders envision a healthy ocean where natural communities thrive.

Keep Nantucket Wild

Keep Nantucket Wild, MA, is a non-profit organization made up of committed island residents and local business owners looking to preserve our ecosystem, historic landmark status, and small business economy.

Save the East Coast

Save the East Coast Inc. is a 501(c)(4) nonprofit ocean environmental advocacy group based in NJ, organized to protect the ocean and all the life it sustains along with our coastal ecosystems and communities from the harms and costs of offshore wind and ocean industrialization. 

Jersey Strong Coastal Coalition, NJ

The Jersey Strong Coastal Coalition is a statewide alliance defending the NJ economy and the ecosystem from fast-tracked, dangerous wind turbine farms.

Defend Brigantine Beach, NJ

Defend Brigantine Beach is a nonprofit 501(c)3 organization of community members dedicated to combating misleading information about offshore wind and protecting the marine ecosystem.

Protect our Coast New Jersey, NJ

Protect Our Coast is a united, non-partisan group with one common goal: Stop the wind turbines off of the New Jersey shoreline and prevent the industrialization of the oceans.

Save Long Beach Island, NJ

Save LBI is a nonprofit, nonpartisan group of citizens working together to save Long Beach Island and the ocean from the destructive impact of the proposed wind project.

REACT Alliance, CA

REACT Alliance (Responsible Energy Adaptation for California's Transition) is a grassroots coalition of local citizens dedicated to opposing the Central Coast Offshore Wind Energy Project, motivated by our commitment to preserving our environment and way of life.

Protect our Coast Long Island, NY

Protect Our Coast LINY is committed to protecting every inch of Long Island’s coasts, be it the ocean or the sound as well as the natural communities and neighborhoods that surround them. The group seeks to identify, mitigate or avoid, any adverse impacts that could result from the transmission line cables, substation(s) and other infrastructure.

Save Ocean City, MD

Save Ocean City is a charitable nonprofit dedicated to protecting the Maryland coastline. As an independent, non-partisan, all-volunteer group, they represent the residents, homeowners, business owners, and fishermen of Ocean City, Maryland.

Responsible Future (Illawarra Chapter) Inc,

This Australian organization was formed by dedicated locals who have actively opposed offshore wind plans. They have immersed themselves in this issue, from attending government consultations to community meetings, from signing petitions to writing to politicians. Engaging with various platforms, such as Facebook groups, they have fostered a collective approach to heightening awareness and galvanizing action. Recognizing the need for a more structured and strategic approach, they established Responsible Future (Illawarra Chapter) Inc as a means to channel this collective energy into effective advocacy across the Illawarra, Australia.


P.I.E.B.Î.E.M. is a grassroots collective dedicated to preventing offshore wind development in Brittany due to concerns about environmental disruption, threats to the fishing industry, visual and cultural impacts, and what they view as insufficient public consultation. Their work reflects ongoing debates in France and elsewhere over how best to expand renewable energy infrastructure in harmony with local communities and ecosystems.

Scotland Against Spin

Scotland Against Spin is an independent alliance campaigning for the reform of the Scottish Government’s wind energy policy.  We are members of the Scottish Government Planning and Environmental Appeals Division Stakeholders’ Forum and the Scottish Parliament Cross Party Group on Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency (SPREE).