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Brochure Lisa Quattrocki Knight Brochure Lisa Quattrocki Knight

Brochure: Offshore Wind and Human Health

Green Oceans presents the impacts of offshore wind energy on human health. Pollution from micro plastics, bisphenol A (BPA), heavy metals, forever chemicals (PFOAs), infrasound, electromagnetic radiation (EMFs) are all potentially harmful to human health. The industrialization of the pristine ocean, concerns about seafood safety, and the failure to protect marine mammals will all impact mental health as well.

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Literature Review Lisa Quattrocki Knight Literature Review Lisa Quattrocki Knight

Harmful effects of the micro plastic pollution on animal health: a literature review

A review of scientific literature highlights the effects of microplastic pollution, focusing on environmental contamination, human uptake, and animal health impacts. Numerous studies show microplastics harm aquatic organisms. Invertebrates experience reduced feeding, fertility, slowed growth, increased oxygen consumption, and oxidative stress. Fish suffer structural damage to organs, behavioral changes, and fertility issues, with severity depending on particle size, dose, and exposure. The review concludes that microplastics pollute the seas and harm aquatic health.

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Industry Paper Lisa Quattrocki Knight Industry Paper Lisa Quattrocki Knight

Offshore Wind Energy and the Mid-Atlantic Cold Pool: A Review of Potential Interactions

The U.S. East Coast has leased 1.7 million acres for offshore wind energy development, potentially impacting the oceanographic conditions of the Atlantic continental shelf, including the Cold Pool—a critical area for fisheries. This paper reviews existing research on how wind farms may affect the Cold Pool’s stratification, which could disrupt the region's marine ecosystems and fisheries, highlighting the need for further study on how wind energy installations interact with these processes.

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