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Coal gives Ørsted profit boost
Despite trying to “green-wash” their reputation, the multi-billion dollar danish energy giant, Ørsted, significantly profits from burning coal in 2022.
Miles Bidwell: The Myth of Offshore Wind
Miles Bidwell, PhD, and energy expert, explains why offshore wind will not reduce CO2 emissions.
Ørsted’s fact sheet on Revolution Wind never claims to help combat climate change.
Ørsted makes claims about providing for our energy needs, but never states the offshore wind project will help climate change. Ørsted boasts that the wind energy will offset future emissions, but empirical evidence does not support this claim.
Will Offshore Wind Help Climate Change?
The Environmental Impact Statements fail to scientifically prove any benefits to climate change.
The high cost of decommissioning
Decommissioning can cost 70% of the construction costs, according to this analysis from Europe. After fifteen years of operation, BOEM will only require Revolution Wind to put aside $325 million, when the likely cost of decommissioning could exceed $7 billion. Who will pay the difference?
The new modernization rule that benefits offshore wind companies, not citizens or the environment
The new modernization rule relieves developers, a multi billion dollar foreign energy giants, from the requirement to set aside financial bonds for decommissioning until after fifteen years of operation.
Allen Brooks: The Myth of Offshore Wind
According to Allen Brooks, an energy expert, offshore wind will cost RI rate-payers more than they expect.
How the wind power boom set off a scramble for balsa wood in Ecuador
Offshore wind energy has had the unintended consequence of causing deforestation in the rain forest due to the need for light weight, yet durable balsa wood for blade construction.