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Wampanoag Chairwoman Speaks Out Against Offshore Wind
This week, the Green Oceans Team had the privilege of speaking with Chairwoman Andrews-Maltais of the Wampanoag Tribe of Gay Head.
Professional Diver takes Us Down Below the Surface
National Geographic Explorer, Michael Lombardi, @oceanopportunity recently provided us with a fish’s-eye view of the Sakonnet River.
Fisheries Liaison Speaks About the Impacts of an Industrialized Ocean
Megan Lapp speaks out about the potential impacts of an industrialized ocean.
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Submit your letter to the RI DEM: March 7th Deadline
Last Thursday, February 22nd, offshore wind developer SouthCoast Wind and RI Department of Environmental Management (RI DEM) held a hearing in Portsmouth to solicit comments from the public on a permit application to dredge the Sakonnet River and Mount Hope Bay to install, operate, and maintain two underwater 345,000 high voltage power export cables—each 20.4 miles long.